Advanced Patch Feedback Session: Closing the Commitability Gap

Tuesday, May 28th. 12pm. Vancouver Campus, SFU, Vancouver, CA

Participants will work in small groups with a Postgres committer to analyze a past contribution or attempted contribution, discussing what they could have done better both in the patch and communication about the patch.

Contributions should be existing proposals or committed work previously discussed on pgsql-hackers. Attendees should be an author of the contribution.

The workshop will consist of detailed patch review in small groups, each with a committer. Groups will focus on one contributor’s patch at a time, working with the committer to identify areas for improvement.

To apply, applicants should send the following to by February 26 2024:

  1. A brief description of their attendance qualifications
  2. Links to 1-3 commitfest entries and associated pgsql-hackers threads containing patches authored by the applicant. Applicant should also briefly describe why they think each thread may be a good workshop topic.

Applicants will be selected by the attendee selection committee detailed below. Selection criteria include but are not limited to:

  • Patch review
  • Patch authorship
  • Community participation such as speaking at conferences
  • Duration of community participation
  • Recency of community participation

Applicants will be notified via email whether or not they have been selected by March 11 2024.

Attendee Selection Committee

  • Robert Haas - EDB - Committer and Major Contributor
  • Michael Paquier - AWS - Committer and Major Contributor
  • Heikki Linnakangas - Neon - Committer and Major Contributor